->WEPP hourly water seepage update set (UI code) ******************************************************************** * * * * * USDA - WATER EROSION PREDICTION PROJECT * * * * HILLSLOPE PROFILE - WATERSHED * * EROSION MODEL * * * * CONTINUOUS SIMULATION AND * * SINGLE STORM OPTIONS * * MAXIMUM WATERSHED CHANNELS: 3000 * * PHOSPHORUS AND BASEFLOW - JULY 19, 2018 * * * * VERSION 2020.500 * * * * May 1, 2020 * * * * * * * ******************************************************************** Do you wish to output [e]nglish or [m]etric units for the average annual summary output file? Enter [e] or [m] --> [m]etric default Metric units selected Do you wish to drop out of the model upon invalid input and write over identical output file names? (batch mode) Enter N to run watershed option (not a SHELL option). Enter Y or N --> [Y] Continuous or single event option --------------------------------- 1 - continuous simulation 2 - single storm Enter option (1 or 2) --> [1] Model version option -------------------- 1 - hillslope version (single hillslope only) 2 - hillslope/watershed version (multiple hillslopes, channels, and impoundments) 3 - watershed version (channels and impoundments) (option 2 or 3 must be previously selected) Enter option (1,2 or 3) --> [1] Do you want hillslope pass file output (Y/N)? [N] --> Enter name of hillslope pass file --> file name read in: ../output/H1580.pass.dat Soil loss output options for continuous simulation ---- ---- ------ ------- --- ---------- ---------- [1] - Abbreviated annual 2 - Detailed annual 3 - Abbreviated event by event 4 - Detailed event by event 5 - Monthly -------------------------------------------------- Enter Soil Loss output option [1] Do you want initial condition scenario output (Y/N)? [N] --> Enter file name for soil loss output --> file name read in: ../output/H1580.loss.dat Do you want water balance output (Y/N)? [N] --> Enter file name for water balance output --> file name read in: ../output/H1580.wat.dat Do you want crop output (Y/N)? [N] --> Do you want soil output (Y/N)? [N] --> Enter file name for soil output --> file name read in: ../output/H1580.soil.dat Do you want distance and sediment loss output (Y/N)? [N] --> Enter file name for plotting output --> file name read in: ../output/H1580.plot.dat Do you want large graphics output (Y/N)? [N] --> Do you want event by event output (Y/N)? [N] --> Enter file name for event by event summary --> file name read in: ../output/H1580.ebe.dat Do you want element output (Y/N)? [N] --> Enter file name for variable OFE line summary --> file name read in: ../output/H1580.element.dat Do you want final summary output (Y/N)? [N] --> Do you want daily winter output (Y/N)? [N] --> Do you want plant yield output (Y/N)? [N] --> Enter name of file containing management data --> file name read in: p1580.man FAO Penman-Monteith ET Method Implemented 1.000000000000000E-005 1.000000000000000E-005 0.500000000000000 Enter name of file containing slope data --> file name read in: p1580.slp Enter name of file containing storm data --> file name read in: p1580.cli Enter name of file containing soil data --> file name read in: p1580.sol Please enter the irrigation option ---------------------------------- [0] no irrigation 1 sprinkler, fixed date 2 sprinkler, depletion level 3 sprinkler, combination 4 furrow, fixed date 5 furrow, depletion 6 furrow, combination ----------------------------------- Enter irrigation option [0] NO IRRIGATION SELECTED. Enter number of years to simulate --> To bypass erosion calculations for very small events, enter 1 Otherwise, to route all events enter 0 (Small events have runoff less than 10 mm and peak runoff less than 10 mm/hr) [0] --> SIMULATION YEAR = 1 SIMULATION YEAR = 2 SIMULATION YEAR = 3 SIMULATION YEAR = 4 SIMULATION YEAR = 5 SIMULATION YEAR = 6 SIMULATION YEAR = 7 SIMULATION YEAR = 8 SIMULATION YEAR = 9 SIMULATION YEAR = 10 SIMULATION YEAR = 11 SIMULATION YEAR = 12 SIMULATION YEAR = 13 SIMULATION YEAR = 14 SIMULATION YEAR = 15 SIMULATION YEAR = 16 SIMULATION YEAR = 17 SIMULATION YEAR = 18 SIMULATION YEAR = 19 SIMULATION YEAR = 20 SIMULATION YEAR = 21 SIMULATION YEAR = 22 SIMULATION YEAR = 23 SIMULATION YEAR = 24 SIMULATION YEAR = 25 SIMULATION YEAR = 26 SIMULATION YEAR = 27 SIMULATION YEAR = 28 SIMULATION YEAR = 29 SIMULATION YEAR = 30 Hillslope SUCCESSFUL simulation - returning to DOS WEPP COMPLETED HILLSLOPE SIMULATION SUCCESSFULLY